Yet another coconut walk of death. Sadly we later realised the main thorough fair away from this side of the island was just the other side of the hedge. We found this out in the middle of the night when we were both woken by the sound of beating drums on the beach followed by a stream of villagers traipsing passed the tent for late night Fiji day celebrations.
Soon after we arrived we thought we would go and check out the attractive sounding honeymoon beach, just 10 minutes walk away over a nearby ridge. On the way we passed some pineapple plants! I was beside myself. I've never seen them growing before and had know idea they grew on low plants like this.
The beach was pretty darn gorgeous although a bit shallow for swimming unless it was high tide.
But whilst lounging on the beach we notice the most crazy creatures hanging about on the tree next to us. It was absolutely filled with not only these strange little orange beetles, but also the most beautiful shiny beasts like this one.
And this one. We didn't manage to find out what was inside the fruits that made them so delicious for these guys, but they were all crazy for it.
'Oh hi! What crazy colours you are possessing.'
On the way back to our resort Clairy spotted another hermit crab family fun day.
This fella really didn't want his picture taken.
So was pegging it in a backwardly fashion.
Here's Clairy back at the campsite.
That evening we got a lovely sunset on the beach. I am happy in this picture, but sometimes I just forget to smile at the right moment. Clairy finds it a bit infuriating.
A big fishing boat turned up just in time to add a bit interest to yet another gorgeous pacific sunset.
I'm not sure if it was just camera wobble or that it really was manned by some luminescent beings.
Shortly after this we were called in for dinner where Clairy was given her first example of the now legendary Yasawa vegetarian option. This pretty much consisted of adding noodles to whatever carbs went with the meat option. Thus her (delayed for added cooking time) veggy special was noodles on spaghetti, poor thing. We were quietly confident that we had found a place that wasn't quite so entertainment obsessed as safe landing, but no sooner had we finished munching than the outrageously oversized PA system was set up and the fun and games commenced.
We swiftly legged it, and attempted to drown out the bula dances with our own music down on the beach with a rum and coke, only to here our names being called out in some kind of forced cheery welcome on the PA. 'Give it up for Clair and William all the way from UK!...Hello, Clair and William...No...Ah they must have been gone to bed early...' It was a lucky escape. We were later told that white sandy beach's bula dance was infinitely more complicated than the safe landing variety, and took an age just to explain.
After a rather hot and sweaty, rather busy night (there was pretty much no breeze at all in the protected bay), we decided we would head to our next choice of sunset waya that day, an promptly packed all our stuff up for the second day running.
Whilst doing this we noticed then one of our close neighbours and absolutely colossal spider, whose insulation foam coloured web was super thick and sticky. I am so so glad I didn't manage to stumble into his web in the middle of the night.
Shortly after breakfast the staff enthusiastically announced a full mornings entertainment to mark Fiji day including such gems as pass the parcel, tug of war and the great bun on string eating contest.
Again we legged it off sharpish, and after packing we had a lazy morning waiting for the flyer to pick us up at 2pm. Here I am, just about getting the hang of this hammock lark.
And finally off we popped with only a poor pair of workers to serenade us off. Thanks for a sweaty night and some avoidable entertainment white sandy beach!
1 comment:
But White Sandy Beach still gave you fantastic sunsets, beach views and incredible insects. Don't knock it. xx
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