Thursday, 7 February 2008

Window Shopping Part One

Oh hi! Mexico City, Puebla and Oaxaca have all had the most amazing window displays. Pretty much like the markets, it doesn't matter what is for sale, presentation is nine tenths of the law. I have marvelled at these. There are so many brilliant examples to capture. I'm not sure how many more Wij really wants to look at, so I'm going to include a variety in the Blog so that I can work through this fixation in my own time. Enjoy, with me, my special guests Adam and Fenner. Mwahx Mwahx.

Mexico City. Plastic fantastic, soon to be found on a beach near you.

Mexico City. Underwear circa 1970.

Mexico City. Pound shop styliee.

Mexico City. Lots of cabinets displaying the work of the dentists inside.

Oaxaca market.

Oaxaca market. Chocolatey Mole?!

Oaxaca, Zocalo. A very typical shoe shop display. The sheer choice could induce an epileptic fit.

Mexico City seemed to only sells white underwear-on mass.

Mexico City first class bus station, pastry fest.

Mexico City. Plenty of shops selling medical equipment of all kinds to the public, if you fancy your own oxygen tank, crash cart or uniform..?

Puebla. Sweet shop and foreign film namesake.

Oaxaca market. 'THE' tinned chillie stall.

To be continued...


Anonymous said...

Oh Hi!
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time! I'd rather window shop in Mexico City than Oxford Street any day! [just for comedy value]

The Shoe Shop, spotted a pair I like: 2nd row down, 56th pair to the right, just infront of the faux black leather number but still quite close to the back of the perspex fixture. PERFECT! UK5 please me love.

Polystyrene Cup Display was immense, Me and Ads could've done with an impressive display like that as examples for our tec coursework!

Take Care xxxx

PS Jesus dolls were terrifying, but atleast you could accessorise...

Clair said...

Oh hi!
How's it gowin? How is uni going with you? Don't forget you can use my hotmail if you don't want to update mine and Wij's family on your personal life.x haha.
Glad you liked the window shopping...I'm feeling like I can leave that one for a bit now, getting a bit OCD un all.
Take care lovely.