Friday, 1 February 2008

Mercardo de la Merced

Oh hi! The markets in Mexico are one of the places that I was most looking forward to visiting. Mercado de la Merced in Mexico city occupies eight whole blocks dedicated to the buying and selling of every item you could possibly imagine, it really is mind blowing. It does not matter what type of product or produce is involved it is always displayed in the most aesthetically pleasing manner. The market is divided up into sections such as fruit and veg, kitchen and household, textiles, dried spices...So much care and effort is taken to make each stall attractive, its not only a visual feast, it really hits all your senses. We were the only tourists there it seemed.
Say it with a fruit basket, Mexican style. What exactly are you saying wth a fruit basket? Probably "I love you" if you gave one of these. That totally covers your five a day love.

Sexy nutty sweets and glace limes stuffed with coconut.

Mexican Mole. Check the mahoosive containers, pile it high.

Oh god! There was a whole meat section! It had single duvet size pieces of tripe, as well as everything a meat lover could possibly wish for, not to mention all the bits that go into sausages and burgers...yeah in their original state mmm tasty. The smell was something else, warm, pungent and off. It turned Wij's stomach and he was hot footing it off. Sadly for me, this coinsided with the realisaton that I was on the menu. "Alright love, fancy a portion?"

Why are these chicken legs so yellow?

Big Jugs of juice. And O´ natural- best way.

Pinata frenzy.

H&S hell (One for you Dellus!).

Mr Sheen my onions.

One of many exits.

Oh hi!

This man had a massive dried fish. Yum. "Ala carte Island of the Dolls".

Which Lime to buy for my Sol..?

Hey lovely lady show me how to make a Tortilla! Sausage of dough under the plastic...

press the handle down...

Hey da darrrh! She was actually very smiley and happy for me to take photos, but didn't want to smile in them.

Wiji eats a "Town Cafe" Mexican style. Yay!! They loved him.


Anonymous said...

check you 2 out... right little bloggers arent you! market looks awsome, a tad different to camden market, dont see any cyberdog in the back ground. these dolls look well scary. i dont think i would have liked it.

the meat looks rank! should have just kept walking... and as for the only tourists... you 2 still got the british pale and pastey look or are you starting to fit in quite well.

mucho love my little globe treckers.

adam. xxxx

Clair said...

Hey my lovely!
Ha ha, how funny that I am doing a blog- huh?
As for the Camden bit, we have spotted several EMO Camden shop ala Mexican style. A bit of a harsh climate for EMO's here. We are going brown nicely, but obviously look like total tourists with the backpacks. Our traveller sandals cause quite a few second looks. We have worked ot that its because they look like peasant shoes. Everyone in Mexico wears leather shoes and gets these cleaned by an on street shoe shine guy.
Meat was super rank... funny that Wij ran away. Think he felt sick form the smell. MMM.

Lots of love,
Clair xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

WOW! Check those pineapples! They're like the size of 'Sarah Sausage' in year seven (Ellis only you'd know what Im on about here.)

You're both looking rather paste-a-licious: Maybe have a few days of intensive tanning before exploring more. May I suggest Piz Buin...

And yeh, totally agree with Adam, that market could do with a little Cyberdog stall.

Love to you both xxxx

Anonymous said...

bye bye camden market and the hawley... all burnt down :(

but no one was hurt which was good.

sure all will be fixed and replaced by the time you return tho.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bruvvers and luvvers,

You both look like youre havin a fab time, i'd like photo of every interesting plate of grub my bruva gets, then you can write a foody travel book wiv pics.

Very sad about the Hawley, they've lost everything but the ground floor and Adam and Cherry have lost everything they owned including there home and job, poor, poor fuckers. everyone suspects foul play from the greedy corporates who tried to buy the market last year and put a hotel on it, there were 200ft flames, carazy!!

Alls well in sarf landan, babies growing and grinning appropriately and i'm missing you alot less now that i'm seeing pics of your smiles. keep it up and big, big love. jep. x

Anonymous said...

Come off it Jep, i don't think they make memory sticks big enough to keep photos of all wij's meals!! Only kidding! They make em huge these days. The sticks, not the meals!!

Wij/Clair, did you feel the earthquake that was in Mexico today? Wish i could have. Love you both, Deek and

Clair said...

Hi Dan,
Yes we did feel the tremour. It was mega and went on for quite a while. We were in our tiny tent at the time. Wij sat bolt upright in his sleeping bag, that was hilarious in it's self. It was quite early in the morning and we were camping in the mountains. I am glad we were there, than some where buit up. It was silent too, and we were the only people for miles. A very odd experience! Will put up some pics of our camping trip.

We are thinking of you guys. Lots of love to you, Clair.

Unknown said...

Hiya Guys,
Wow! Love the markets!! Think Les dog could do a wicked short about the tortilla woman - ha. Not sure about the yellow chicken legs but the fruit baskets, well, look out Willy Wonka - is that the biggest everlasting gobstopper you ever did see???
Love ya

Wij said...

Can't believe the Hawley Arms is no more! Poor Adam and Cherry. Utterly savage. I've had a gander at the piccies and vids on the bbc site and it looks proper mental. Bet it was quite a sight from mine (or Verity's even) and Jay's windows!

Glad things are good with you Bruvva et famille. I shall endeavour to include as many pics of good things (and possibly bad) that I've eaten as I can. Cheers for the comments Dan. We fully did feel the earthquake, was proper bizarre. Totally woke me up.