Chiapas is one of Mexico's most amazing states. It has beautiful lanscapes ranging from dense lowland jungles to the much cooler highlands where some of the most traditional and unreconstructed of contempory indigenous Mayan people remain. The indigenous people's average income in Chiapas is only one third that of the rest of Mexico. One third of indigenous homes are without running water and electricity and illiteracy is higher there than anywhere else. These inequalities helped sparked the state's Zapatista revolutionary movement.
We ended up doing an overnight bus from Puerto Escondido that was about 14 hours. This actually wasn't nearly as bad as you might imagine as the bus was proper lush. We've mentioned before how great the public transport is, and we both managed to sleep a fair amount of the journey. My pegar (as Clair now lovingly refers to my breakage) was a bit stiff when we got there, so Clair saw me into the bus station before going back to retreive both our packs (poor thing, mine is vast). Anyway, she got there, and the bus had beggered off, and our packs were no longer to be seen. BUGGER! She legged it around in a frantic panic for about 10 minutes getting totally blank looks from all the staff around, before a very casual official turned up and said he'd put them somewhere else for safe keeping. I felt totally impotent during the whole episode, but never mind, it all worked out in the end.
We got a taxi, to a place that sounded decent and were seriously chuffed to find that there was barely a building in San Cristobal de le Casas that was over one storey. The hotel we had chosen turned out to be utterly gorgeous and we ended up staying there a week.
San Cristobal is bloody lovely. Really chilled, beautifully cool but sunny climate and in the middle of a lush green valley due to its altitude. These remote Chiapas highlands were a refuge for ancient Maya after the collapse of their lowland civilization more than a 1000 years ago. Eventually the spanish settled here rather than the sweltering other parts of Chiapas state, and the usual tales of slavery and disease followed. Nowadays though, its colonial charm mixed with the indigenous traders and cosmopolitain atmosphere has made it a real pleasure to stay here. We've found it really hard to actually book our onward journey.
Here's a selection of pictures that we've taken throughout the week. To start, one of the unbelievably vast palms in the main plaza:
One of the main pedestrianised shopping streets. Gorgeous mountains in the distance.
Indigenous market up by the lovely Templo and Ex-Convento de Santo Domingo
Really stunning filigree stucco work on the Templo de Santo Domingo
Side door of the Templo Santo Domingo
Ex-Convento de Santo Domingo, and a lovely shiny old style beetle. I really want one after seeing them all over the place here.
Front of the Ex-Convento de Santo Domingo
Clair snapped this great little portable fruit display.
Cathedral de San Cristobal. Love the painted stonework, though apparently it was only done like that in 1990. You can just about make out a tiny hobbling one on the steps (by the way you can click on most of these pics and get a slightly bigger one - I've only just figured that out).
East side of the main plaza.
The bandstand in the middle of the plaza at night. You can't really see it, but it has lovely ironwork all around.
Early morning view down the street outside our hotel. Looks even more gorgeous without all the cars.
Just having a rest. I think I deserved one, although admittedly we're not 20 yards from the hotel entrance.
The Arco de El Carmen. This used to be the gateway to the city.
Beautiful cobbled streets. Not that practical for some things however.
Nicely worn old buildings. There was lots of lovely stone masonry around.
Now here's the reason some of those cobbles just ain't that practical. Clairy suggested we try and hire a wheelchair (I´m still not not sure if it was just to make Adam laugh). But it did mean I could have a rest from my crutches. It was a genuinely humbling, yet quite a hilarious experience. If I thought just having the plaster and crutches made people stop and stare, I really hadn't seen nothin yet. I also found it quite hard to be pushed around. I kept trying to grab the wheels. Made my hands well skanky
More lushious painted stone work.
And look! Even a lovely Burger King!
Clair got this beautifully moody shot as the sun went down.
And here's me admiring the view.
Oh hi! Wheelchairs can be fun!
A nice restaurant with trees indoors. What a great idea (as long as I'm not clearing up the leaves).
And here I am stuck into the second Philp Pullman while Clair secretly takes a picture.
Yet another truly gorgeous little Mexican town.
HAHA! you just need some sort of silver wheely luggage attachment for the wheelchair... optimising the situation.
glad you still getting around even with being stuck in plaster. boat trip looked awsome. can just imagine the halarity of wij trying to get on the boat with only one leg while being strangled by a life jacket! top bananana!
fully loving the fully lovely photos.
keep up the good work guys!
mucho love. x x x x x
Yep, must add to adam's comment, LOVING THE PHOTOS! Oh God Yeh! Cant get over how great the buildings are over there, or that there's a Burger King... You just cant get away from American Franchise these days can you!
Had Wij mastered a wheely yet? Get some spinners on there, pimp that bitch up! Bit of NWA pumping from speakers that could be attatched to Ellis' shoulders somehow... Me and Adam will hook something up for you, we did product design you know! Muchos Luvos! xxxx
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