The Zapotec capital was first occupied as long ago as 500BC. It sits right on the top of a large hill and therefore has incredible 360 degree views of the landscape around it. The city had its peak from around 300 to 700 AD, and most of the buildings still around date from that time. At this time it provided dwelling for upwards of 25,000 people, and was a highly organised, Priest dominated society.
There was a great museum before you enter the site, including a nice model of what the city might once have looked like. All the Mexican museums we've been to seem to have great models in. That's my job decided if we ever move over here!
Here's a picture of the Gran Plaza, the centre of Monte Alban. Some of the buildings you see were residential, others temples.
A picture taken from the Plataforma Sur.
The views on the baking hot day we went up were truly stunning.
The city of Oaxaca down in the valley below.
Me checking out the view.
There was an enormous staircase on the northern side leading to the Plataforma Norte. Strangely, Clairy didn't fancy the climb, so I took a shot of her down below. The building behind her is different from most of the others in that it is an arrowhead shape and is not aligned with any of the other buildings. This is now believed to be because it was an observatory used to calculate when specific events in the calendar occur.
Whilst exploring the site we came across these phenomenally large ants. They were literally a good 2-3cm in length and had vicious looking pincers on their heads.
We tried to get a picture of me so you could appreciate the scale, but not sure if you can really make them out.
These long temple-altar pyramids were added later to are thought to have been created to try and conceal the plaza's lack of symmetry. The rock mounds the Plataforma Norte and Sud are not directly oppposite each other.
As you might be able to see, this was the first day we both neglected our suncream duties and duly got absolutely fried. It will not happen again!
A view from the highest point on the site. You can really see the panaramic views.
Clair spotted this gorgeous lilac coloured tree which was in full bloom right next to one of the larger pyramids and insisted we get a piccy.
So apart from our total singedness it was a well spectacular few hours. We keep being reminded of just how advanced and structured civilizations were back in the day.
1 comment:
dear god you 2 are avid bloggers! never seen someone blog so much... watching out for repetitive wrist strain with all that typing!
im all cool. course is still good, questioning if its for me tho, not overly loving it more just doing it. thinking about whether or not i should be in film school instead. BUT im likely to just do the 3 years. and god im sick of living in london already. but on the whole im still good.
voice is back... finnally after 22 days of not having it... 22 long and tiring days of having a translator and straining to get a slight sound out.
and as for gossip kris has left. within the space of 4 days he wasnt sure about uni, quit, packed and left.
where is ones travels taking them next?
mucho love. xxx
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