Hello Everybody! This is brill. Comments and we haven't even written anything yet.
Well we're finally on our way. The flight was a whopping 11 hours! Didn't actually have any idea how long it was going to be but managed to squeeze 3 films in (Darjeeling Ltd - Wes Anderson, relatively funny, Stardust - Actually rather entertaining fairy tale nonsense and Ratatouille - Which I loved!).
The flight was via BA, and was suprisingly ok. They even laid on a very nice sausage and mash for me (they must have known it was our last english grub for some time). Clair's veggy meal was even half decent (if fairly cheese based).
Here's me about to tuck in:

Well we're finally on our way. The flight was a whopping 11 hours! Didn't actually have any idea how long it was going to be but managed to squeeze 3 films in (Darjeeling Ltd - Wes Anderson, relatively funny, Stardust - Actually rather entertaining fairy tale nonsense and Ratatouille - Which I loved!).
The flight was via BA, and was suprisingly ok. They even laid on a very nice sausage and mash for me (they must have known it was our last english grub for some time). Clair's veggy meal was even half decent (if fairly cheese based).
Here's me about to tuck in:
The whole time difference thing was quite bizarre as we left at 12.40 lunchtime from old blighty, and arrived at 8pm local time in mexico, so the whole 11 hours was in daylight, and it only started to get dark once we landed. Mexico city airport is right in the centre of the city, so we had some amazing views of it flying in. It is a truly vast city.
Once landed and luggage collected we rang the hostel we were staying in and fortunately, they spoke perfect english and let us know a car was on its way. We then went to the exit to meet it and were greeted by what we now know to be standard Mexican driving. We were there for literally 30 seconds before a car skidded almost 180 degrees in front of us in an attempt to avoid a rambling taxi. This was in the dropping off/picking up area outside the airport. 10 minutes later and we saw our first crash again right in front of us. Alright, it was only a minor scrape, but quite comedy none the less.
Our ride soon arrived and we were whisked off wide eyed through the teeming city to our absolutely lovely first hostel right smack in the middle of the historico centro of Mexico city. Here's a piccy of it we took as were leaving:
It was a genuinely gorgeous old colonial building that had been restored in a really nice way. Our room was the top left one with a slightly scary but lovely balcony from which we could look over the Zocalo, the city's main plaza. Bloody lush.
Right that's about enough for now. Will try and be a bit more to the point in future.
Just to respond to a few previous comments:
Rob and Hazel - Cheers for that, good luck to you guys. Keep in touch!
Jep - There was a bag with the adapter and cables in, but don't know if the lads picked it up or if I put it elsewhere, it might be stuffed in with the keyboard. If they've had a look and can't see it you'll probably need to get another.
Kevster - Too right you funny bugger.
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