This is my first blog entry, how mad that I am bothering to sit in front of a computer-its not really my natural habitat.
Thanks to Ed for sitting so thoughtfully at the Crown and taking the time to remember the name of the place he went to, just south of Mexico city. It is called Xochimilco and is 180km of beautiful Aztec canals, no really.
By accident and our obvious lack of Spanish, combined with huge enthusiasm having made it to Xochimilco by metro and a hairy chicken bus, we went on a four hour Gondola ride... woops! It was beautiful though, and we didn´t have anything more pressing to do. I did feel sorry for the man ´rowing it´.
We went to see the ´island of the dolls´. The Lonely Planet only hinted at the visual gem that was to follow...'Whatever festive mood you may have set out with will turn to dread approaching this remote spot'. This was where an artist filled his small island home, garden and sheds with masses of plastic dollies hanging everywhere in various states of decay. He wasn´t totally mad, but did it as a tribute to a girl who died on the canals. Really eerie and totally odd. Wij was really freaked out and I loved it, well I did until I needed a wee and realised that through the thin wooden slats of the toilet shed was our host, possibly needing a lot more fibre in his diet, just a quick hover for me then.
Here is a selection of the pics that I took.
The fantastic colours all in glorious gloss paint.
Floating hedge.
Apparently the artist fished all the dolls from the canals, whatever.
Nothing unusual here.
Shrine to the artist.
Oh hi!
This was a total find! An actual dried out fish from the canal and dolly head ensemble. Yeah weigh that beauty down, so it don't get away!! AAAAAARRRGGGG!
Thats it from me for now. Moo ha ha xx.
Umm, get out of that weird place you two. I think you may have stumbled across a mexican mentalist.
Love the floating hedge. I want one.
Enjoy lovers
I dont know how I managed it, but I somehow missed the Island of the Dolls blog until just now!
ACTUALLY terrified by the dolls! It was like Chuckie times 1,000,000!!
Im glad you've posted other blogs since then [thus proving you're still alive and got out ok] Maybe the Mexican Phsychiatric Association should pay him a quick visit sometime soon.
Love to you both xxx
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