It was quite hard to take the pictures, what with trying to brace myself against the door and the jolting movement of the speeding train, trying not to fall out and constantly having one of the Indian boys wedged at the side of me viewing the journey through the digital screen of the camera at all are a selection of scenes...
A pile of cow dung shaped into individual patties, then stacked in this hive formation was a common sight in rural India.
Several cow pattie piles in the distance too.
Over every wall, or into every river, never mind how close or far...a massive pile of rubbish.
Picking through the rubbish.
A familiar sight at a railway crossing.
I loved taking these...
Living under the sidings.
The rich oily sheen of the water buffalo on the rubbish tip.
Reading the paper outside the house...
A small shop.
A pig farm.
Walking the lines...
A turn track.
And then I was asked to come inside, before we got into Delhi proper, so that people could not jump into the open door way.
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