Fortunately for us Jamie-Jay had very generously offered to pick as up in his car at Heathrow and he brought the Kevster with him. It was lovely to be met by them.
A million pounds to park please.
A pit stop at Marathon on the way back for falafel and chips.
Battered sausage or Oi, Oi, savaloy?
Old ladies leg or Alsatian?
The land of plenty...
At nice high prices, all you don't need.
Harmood House Hotel.
Some beardo looovin from Louise and Kev.
A bit of a boogie from Wij and the beard.
Louise fills us in on the details of 'spoon gate', where she inadvertently allowed Kev to play Russian roulette with a spoon that she should never have left out...
Bite size?..
Well I had a go.
An accurate image of the Harmood House hotel coffee table on any given night or morning after.
The morning after, an empty Copettito to Juan and Easter Island.
So what has really changed?
The Town Cafe had a re-fit and was still doing well.
Laaaaandaaan Caff innit?
They even recognised us still, lol!
Mmm, I am smiling.
A classic egg on toast.
The concierge wasn't broken-that was a surprise!
Burnt to the ground while we were away, and reborn again.
Getting a hair cut.
Work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work...