San Telmo was the area in BA where the wealthy lived before the yellow fever epidemic of the late 1800's...they then upped and left for the La Recoleta area and stayed there. San Telmo has lovely cobbled streets and colonial housing, most of the mansions have long since been divided up into flats. It's now considered a more bo-ho area with majestic housing in the low rent bracket.
I loved this cubist ceramic cat in one of the antique shops. Unusual...
but visually worked really well, I thought.
Good lord! Busy, busy, busy! This market almost 'broke' Wiji...far too much to see here...
A view of busy Plaza Dorrego, that hosts the sunday market.
Having a bit of a chat, whilst minding the stall...local all the way.
The soda syphons that were captured in paintings and photographs all over the market.
Wiji chases the empanada lady around, untill she finally hears him. Lol...'Do you really need another empanada?' Naturally the answer was 'yes!'
'Make that guitar Tango music face!' This man did some great, but really was an amazing mucisian!
The neo-colonial and baroque Inglesia Nuestra Senora de Belen, was a Jesuite school untill 1767 when the Bethlemite order took was busy with people pouring in and out.
The Lonely Planet recommended taking a break from it all and getting an overview of the market at El Balcon...this was harder than expected, we had to squeeze ourselves onto a balcony made for one at a time, whilst getting everyone else to stand up for us to get by! But hey, we did the same for them too!
A tiny space in the centre of the market for a tango show...we missed that and moved on.
The man with the guitar noticed us and started to sing to us...oh dear, nowhere to hide! Lol.
Mate equipment galore...naturally part of any Argentine market! We saw the mate Hoof several times...who would want this?! We never saw anyone using them though...
A fun morning in the sun. We didn't buy any antiques, but did purchase a chicken clucking gadget made from tissue paper and a toilet roll with a polystyrene chicken inside, with felt pen detail on. Home made a go-go! To use it, as demonstrated by the old man, you pulled the string to make the clucking noise...we endorsed this around the market! Nice touch from us Brits. Lol.x
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