Laguna de la Cocha was a 45 minute collectivo journey away. Leaving Pasto we got a better view of Volacan Galeras, an active volcano to the west. The volcano last erupted in 1993, but apparently has a record of low seismic activity.
Volcan Galeras, with the summit obscured by cloud. You have to apply for a permit to hike the five hour journey to the crater...we weren't really up for that.
When we arrived we were really taken with the beautiful wooden houses.
This one is actually a butchers, with carcases hanging up inside.
There seemd to be hardly anyone about. We were approached by a local man who wanted us to hire his Lancha, but were were in search of a rowing boat. So hoping to find this we had a wander around.
We followed the river leading out of the village to the lake. Cloud in the distance covering the mountain peaks.
When we reached the end of the path without a rowing boat in sight we had to accept the offer of a lancha. Luckily a man was following us on his mountain bike and was happy to oblidge.
Scattered around the lake are a number of private nature reserves established by locals on their farms.
Here I am enjoying the lancha ride, it wasn't Mexican fast!
When we arrived at the small island of La Corota we made our way up the bank to the reserve.
The nature reserve is covered by dense forest and home to highly diverse flora. We were immediately stuck by how wet it was...perfect for bromelaids that seemed to cover all the trees.
We followed the path through a silent forest, save for some noisy yellow finches.
Up high in the trees we could see hummingbirds feeding from these bromelaid flowers.
At the end of the path was a vantage point. We were quite high up here, with beautiful views over the laguna.
The light and cloud changed quite dramatically as we took in the landscape.
Wiji following the trail back again.
Moss porn. It was everywhere!
Having quietly explored the trail we made our way back to the lancha for a trip around the island.
At the top you can just make out the roof of the vantage point were we looked across the laguna.
Half way around the island the sun was really starting to come out.
This lancha seemed to have no driver! She was inside the shelter and had just left the motor running, it was quite funny to watch.
As soon as we were dropped off, he headed out again back towards the island. The weather had completely changed again.
Walking back to the village.
We liked the brick addition to this higgledy-piggledy house. What a beautiful place to live.
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