The nursery is situated on a hillside and planted with tree ferns that provide a canopy of shady dappled light over the orchids. This was quite a sight in itself.
A close up of the giant tree fern.
Looking across part of the nursery.
One of the larger specimens outside.
A butterfly that made Wiji wait patiently for ages, for it to open its wings.
Wiji in the miniature orchid house. A horticulturalist kindly pointed out the following specimens...
South America's smallest orchid.
The Dracular orchid.
A miniature orchid growing on a champagne cork. The horticulturalist told us that this specimen is 15 years old.
This orchid grew its new plants out of the centre of the old. Its tiny flowers were underneath the leaves.
Inside one of the more humid orchid houses, several were in flower...
There were plenty of other tropical flowers too.
Super lush, wish you were here
Ellis I see you're in your very own personal 'Mecca' aka Orchid City! Lots of lovely plants - a type of place that only very few people could appreciate Im sure. Maybe not a dayrip destination for 9Y3.
Just amazed by your travels and watching all the time. Thanks for the card ... can't wait to have you both back and be able to hear everything first hand. Wij looks like something out of a Tarentino film with the cast ... Clair, just a blooming flower. All here good - new baby called Benjamin and great.
lucky peeeps, i'd have loved that. j. x
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