The bed was unique. Someone had taken a bed frame and then roughly nailed each leg on top of a much smaller and spindly piece of wood. The nails were spiltting the wood, and it rocked savagely. We could not work out why this had happened, and were convinced that it was going to collapse. It didn't, fortunately, but the wood had really split by the time we left!
That said. I was totally and utterly in love with the place! It was a Robinson Crusoe dream! We really were living the dream! LMAO. We had the most amazing views of the sunset and sunrise. I loved getting up at 5ish to walk on the beach alone (Wij loved staying in bed and having a bit of peace and quiet, away from me asking him to look at stuff.) Ideal. We would have loved to stay here for longer...
Oh really?! If I hear a bongo I'll...
My heart sank.
LMAO! What time was the hurricane? Check out these mangey cabañas with Wiji in our window!
Mmm, ours had the most double sheets attached to the outside, because most of the adobe had fallen off! This seemed like a quick fix for privacy and a wind break. Why is ours made of pallets? Not very trad.
Oh hi! Are you man Friday?
LMAO! Wiji reading, all nice and quiet like. While I am laughing hysterically as I creep up on him. 'Why are you reading in a dark shed, err I mean cabaña?' LMAO! Come outside!
Oh hi! I've just had my bath in the sea!
After shouting 'WIJI!' at the cabaña for ages and ages from the shore, he finally put his book down and looked out.
In the 'communal area'...whatever. Behind is the restaurant that the guide book said served funky fusion food. It was actually derelict, but a sign still insisted that you can't eat your own food there! We saw an age'ed hipped eating half an avocado here,
and doing tai chi here, that always makes me laugh!
Here is Wiji modelling the shonky bed and broken mosquito net. Loving the palm roof though.
Getting some mango's, grapefruit and bananas for breakfast. Ha ha, the fruit shop man clearly thinks we are, we just love your shop!
We went out in the early evening on the first night and had a great meal in Tulum. A young American couple wanted to be our friends. One was a pilot on a private jet and the other was the trolly dolly, this was their life, it really made us laugh! I don't think they get people laughing at thier career very often, it was hilarious though! They couldn't understand why we would want to go away for so long. Doh! There was no point even going there...
Like true Brits we got some Sol to drink whilst we sat on the beach looking at the stars. This was super lush, the moon was full and orange and low in the sky. We chilled, then decided to go to bed. On our way back to the cabaña I spotted a hermit crab. WOW! I had to pick it up and have a closer look, they are amazing! So I took it into the cabaña and over the sound of Wiji repeatedly saying in a defeated tone, 'Oh Clair', I was excitedly shouting 'get the camera!' Here I am holding it, you can see it stretching out of its shell. This is right before it pinched my finger with its claw of steel. I made a big growling noise (mmm, odd) then had to get it off my finger. It had pinched through my nail and into my finger. Wiji was worried that I had distressed the crab. No doubt I had! Sorry, Love you.
If we hadn't had the swiss amy knives to open the Sol, we could have asked you!
The hermit crab, right after the event. Hey, I can still see you! Lovely beady eyes! I checked him over and put him outside and watched him scurry off. Then had a good look at my finger with the head torch. My nail was partly hanging off, and a bit was pinched out. Wiji said that he knew this would happen. LMAO, yeah? It was really funny, classic Clair! We saw lots more hermit crabs after dark, but I didn't pick them up (I was closely supervised.)
The next morning, with the sun coming into the cabaña. You can see where a big slab of the adobe has fallen off on the left. Does our washing count as a home improvement?
Looking out at the early morning sea.
We had two windows, unlike other cabaña's. Is this because part of the wall fell down?
Like the total child that I love being, I just had to be up before anyone, I mean anyone - to be the first person to walk on the beach, 5am seemed to do it.
LMAO!!! Check out the hoofy peg that has been dragged across the sand!! That was hilarious!! The next day Wiji got up early and we had our fruit breakfast on the beach, even better than eating mango in the bath!
As it turned out, even other cabaña sites were just as worse for wear. It was funny that to the right of this was a full on gated spa resort. It was funny watching them walk over the rocks and stare at our cabañas!
We went to 'Charlies' for traditional Yucatan fair, although Wij had Oaxaca pollo mole. I had poblano quesa and pecans. 'When can I start?!'
LMAO. I will frame this picture I love it, it's soooo good, even if I did make you do it! I Love you.
We had a brilliant time here! It was really beautiful. We are really looking forward to giving it a few weeks on the beach in a cabaña in future. Oh fuck yeah!
Oh Hi!
Loving your shanty style hut - Im sure its home away from home!
Hermit crab was super delux, as was the coconut sign (no hammocks please...)
I see you've upgraded from 'Oh God Yeh' to 'Oh Fuck Yeh' just because you're out of the classroom and half way across the world doesn't mean you can't mind your language clair...
Be Good Kids! xxx
oh dear god! talk about mass blog update! BUT fucking amazing photos... well done you 2, any excuse to get your underwater camera out.
loving the shanty town "paridise" id use that word very loosly, i think thomas cook would have a few things to answer for if there were to send some middle class family to that resort...
you 2 should re write lonely planet... give some true descriptions about the places they are sending you...
and i do feel your pain on the tourist central thing... but on the plus side... at least there isnt a starbucks!
im back in plymouth for 5 weeks and its the same old... lack of ambition in everyone, over use of concrete and oh yeah... typical plymouth... ive already been attacked! gr8! all swings and round abouts... not long til i go back now tho. has been nice seeing laura and joey and steve tho. :D
any way kids... keep enjoying your self, dont talk to strangers and dont keep your wallet in your back pocket...
keep being awesome and if anything... over do the UK tourist card in certain situations!
much love.xxxxx adam
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